Radio entertainment and showbiz

Breakfast girls Zoe and Lauren share their anxiety

Zoe Ball and Lauren Lavern have been supporting each other to cope with the anxiety caused by their top radio jobs.

Speaking to the Daily Mirror, Lauren said that she’s “Seen Zoe quite a few times in the corridors, to give each other a little hug and talk about it.”

Lauren recently took over the breakfast show on BBC Radio 6 Music, while Zoe replaced Chris Evans on the BBC Radio 2 breakfast show, so they have something in common and can relate to each other’s pressure.

Lauren added, “I have had an anxiety dream where I get to the studio and I can’t find it, so I have to dig through a forest to get there, or I get there and none of the controls work. So, we were laughing about that and sharing our anxiety.”

It seems like the pair might be throwing a party soon to celebrate getting their respective breakfast shows. Lauren told the Mirror, “I’ve been thinking about it, and that would be so lovely. It feels like we are part of a gang really. It feels great to be a woman on radio now.”

Although it’s early days, both shows got off to a flying start, so it probably won’t be long before Lauren and Zoe have a lot to celebrate!

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