Gavin and Stacey’s Nessa to read BBC Radio 4 Shipping Forecast

Actress Ruth Jones is to read the Shipping Forecast on BBC Radio 4 as part of a celebration of 100 years of it being broadcast on the BBC.
In character as the inimitable Nessa, the star of Gavin and Stacey will be one of a number of familiar voices dropping in throughout New Year’s Day to share historic shipping forecasts along with their personal memories.
Speaking about her own fondness for the forecast as well as Nessa’s, Ruth says: “Nessa has got quite a colourful history and one of her jobs was on the high seas. The Shipping Forecast was always very important and useful to her.”
The day of special programming on New Year’s Day will include Ambridge’s loveable rogue Eddie Grundy (voiced by Trevor Harrison) from The Archers reading the forecast from 21st November 2021. That was the date Eddie and Clarrie renewed their wedding vows.
Dame Ellen MacArthur, no stranger to the Shipping Forecast, brings her own sailing expertise to Radio 4 reading the forecast from 1 June 1995 – the day she set off her Round Britain trip and her first solo adventure.
Actors Julie Hesmondhalgh, Stephen Fry and Line of Duty’s Adrian Dunbar will also try their hand at reading historic forecasts, along with comedian Paul Sinha, poet Imtiaz Dharker and writers Ian McMillan and Val McDermid.
Also reading the Shipping Forecast, is Blur frontman Damon Albarn, who famously took creative inspiration from the ships for Blur’s track ‘This Is a Low’.
The day will include Radio 4 continuity announcers reading The Shipping Postcards from Lundy, Dogger, Forth, Irish Sea, Wight and a documentary presented by Paddy O’Connell exploring the maritime history of the forecast.
Director of Speech and Radio 4 Controller Mohit Bakaya said: “The Shipping Forecast is one of our national treasures. So I’m delighted that we are cracking a bottle against the hull to launch 100 years of the Shipping Forecast on the BBC with a special schedule of programming on New Year’s Day.
“As well as providing crucial information for sea farers over the years, the Shipping Forecast is also a cherished ritual that distils the essence of Radio 4 for so many of our listeners.
“It is also a moment for those great, unsung heroes and heroines of the Radio 4 schedule – the Continuity Announcers – to shine. On Jan 1st, we will celebrate our “national poem” with a dedicated day of fascinating programmes for listeners from Bailey to Viking, Biscay to South Utsire and everywhere in between.”