Radio entertainment and showbiz

Matt Hancock to be the first senior politician taking calls in LBC’s new phone-in show

LBC is launching a new half-hour phone-in where listeners will question senior members of the Cabinet.

Call the Cabinet will be broadcast live during Nick Ferrari at Breakfast, with listeners asking their questions directly to those at the centre of government in the heart of Westminster.

Launching on Monday 7 September at 9am, the Health Secretary Matt Hancock will be the first to sit in the Call the Cabinet hot seat.

Each month a senior Cabinet member will go head-to-head with Nick Ferrari and LBC listeners to be challenged and questioned on different issues. The 30 minute Call the Cabinet segment will also be video streamed online via the Global Player and LBC’s website.

Nick Ferrari said: “It will be as if you’re sitting at the Cabinet table, and once again shows the pulling power of LBC and its listeners, as they hold to account those in power.”

Tom Cheal, LBC’s managing editor, said: “Yet again, LBC is the leading the way in British broadcasting with the launch of Call the Cabinet – the first time that a different member of the Cabinet will take part in a monthly phone-in on UK radio. Our listeners always take centre stage, so we are excited to continue leading Britain’s conversation by providing them with a new platform to question and challenge our political leaders, especially in these extraordinary times.”

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