Radio entertainment and showbiz

Chris Evans tells listeners of skin cancer diagnosis

On his first day back from a break, Chris Evans revealed to his listeners this morning, that he has been diagnosed with skin cancer.

Speaking on his Virgin Radio Breakfast Show, Chris added that it has been caught early, meaning it’s treatable.

Describing it as the best news he got while he was away, Chris explained: “Obviously better news would have been that it was negative but the reason it’s great news is that they caught it as early as they can.”

He told listeners that it only happened because Dee who gives him a massage every Friday saw a freckle on his shin and said he should get it checked out.

“So, I went and got it tested and while we were away, I got this email asking me to call about the results as a opposed to it’s all clear,” Chris said. “So, I was ready for something but because they’d caught it so early, it is as treatable as cancer can possibly be, to the extent that they call it stage zero.”

Chris then urged listeners to get checked for “stuff” because the biggest weapon in our arsenal against things that are out to get us, is early detection.

He revealed that the first person he sent a text to after the appointment was Dee, for potentially saving his life and that he’s going in for treatment on 14th September.

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