Radio entertainment and showbiz

Backstage at Hits Live Ella Henderson discussed delaying her wedding

Hits Live returned to the M&S Bank Arena in Liverpool last Friday, where there was interesting backstage discussion.

Stories shared with the Hits Radio team included Zara Larsson talking about her acting debut and Ella Henderson discussing delaying her wedding plans until 2025.

Talking about her new film A Part of You, Zara said: “It’s a Swedish movie, but it’s going to be on Netflix worldwide, so everybody can watch it.

“It’s a really beautiful story, it’s quite dark and sad, but it’s also very hopeful and beautiful, and it’s just about life! It sounds terrible, but it’s beautiful and I’m so happy with my cast mates, and I think it’s going to be really, really nice. And I feel if there were like an acting debut, this is a really good group of people to do it with.”

When asked if she had always wanted to do acting, she revealed it was always in the back of her mind, but she hadn’t actively pursued it.

“I’ve had some questions, some people contact me and are like ‘we’d love to have you in this series or this movie’, but it’s always like ‘you’re playing a pop star’, and that’s something I don’t want to do.

“I want to get kind of far from that, something completely different, or something that hasn’t had anything to do with my profession, or my day-to-day life,” she said.

As for Ella revealing delaying her wedding plans with Team GB’s Jack Burnell, she told the Hits Radio team: “I’m quite enjoying being engaged, I quite like it. It’s a lovely period and I feel like, your wedding day is such a special moment, I kind of don’t want it to happen too soon, because I’ve got nothing to look forward to! Also, I just can’t decide what kind of wedding I want, I change it every week.”

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