Radio entertainment and showbiz

Nick Grimshaw and Greg James are in hiding

BBC Radio 1’s Nick Grimshaw and Greg James are asking listeners to guess where they are in their new game of Hide and Seek.

They are providing updates online and on-air until they are found, to mark Greg’s last week presenting the drivetime show before taking over breakfast in the autumn.

Nick and Greg will not leave the secret location until they are found, asking listeners to call other Radio 1 presenters with clues to reveal their whereabouts. The game is over when someone finds them and hits a massive gong that is next to them. If they are not found, Greg and Nick will unveil their location once Greg finishes his last drivetime show on Thursday.

#HideandSeek is trending on Twitter as the pair continue to hide. Greg and Nick will also be releasing clues across their social media platforms until they are found.

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