Spencer Matthews admits doubt over Global’s Make Some Noise challenge

This morning Spencer Matthews and Vogue Williams joined Heart Breakfast to discuss his 30 Marathons in 30 Days, raising money for Heart’s charity, Global’s Make Some Noise.
Spencer admitted to Jamie Theakston and Lindsy Russell, who is sitting in for Amanda Holden, “doubt has filled his mind” after going to Jordan to recce his route ahead of the challenge.
With just five weeks to go before the challenge, Spencer told them he’d just got back from recce-ing the whole 12066k route in Jordan and had found it an eye-opening experience.
“Doubt filled my mind in the first day, for the first time,” he said. “I haven’t felt anything but enthusiasm until that point, the sand was much, much softer than I thought it would be in places, lots of dunes, lots of hills, we did a long run through a canyon and sand is filling your shoes and it’s going to be incredibly rough,” he added.
Jamie then asked if the reports of him training with the Kenyan Olympic team are true? Spencer explained that before going to Jordan they took the kids on holiday to Africa, where they went on a safari. It was while they were there, he was invited to train with some of the Kenyan Olympic team.
He admitted they were better at running than he is, although he was able to do a “pretty good 5k out there 18.38”, which he was happy with.
Then, inspired by her husband Spencer’s challenge to run 30 marathons in 30 days across the desert this summer, Vogue announced that she has decided to take on her own 30 in 30 challenge and will be running 5km a day for 30 days.
Vogue is encouraging anyone to get involved in their own 30 in 30 challenge. She said it could be anything such as baking, learning a new skill, or even giving something up. All she wants you to do is choose a 30-day challenge and go to Global’s Make Some Noise website to pledge to raise £30 for the charity.
Spencer Matthews will be running 30 marathons in 30 days across the Jordanian desert in the peak of summer for Global’s Make Some Noise charity – Head over to Global’s Make Some Noise website to donate!