Jamie Laing says it’s taken him eight years to get to Radio 1

Jamie Laing says he was turned down by BBC Radio 1 eight years ago and has been trying to get a job there ever since.
The Made in Chealsea star, who joins the station today to co-host the Going Home show with Vick Hope and Kate Thistleton, has been talking to the MailOnline.
He revealed that when he auditioned all those years ago, the BBC rejected him for being ‘too posh’ and inexperienced. There’s been a bit of a backlash recently on social media too about him being posh.
He’s determined to prove critics wrong, he says: “I truly think that if the only hurdle I personally have to jump over is the fact that people think I’m posh, it’s not the biggest hurdle in the world.
“I am posh. My parents sent me to a private school, I had no choice in that, they sent me there and it’s the cross that I bear. I know in myself that I’m a hardworking and kind individual, so it doesn’t really bother me if I’m totally honest. I am posh and I can’t change it.”
This won’t be the first time 35-year-old Jamie has been on Radio 1, a couple of years ago he co-hosted the afternoon show with Matt Edmondson while Mollie King was on maternity leave.
Jamie isn’t the only Made in Chealsea star who has made the transition to radio – Sam Thompson was also a member of the cast and now hosts weekday evenings on Hits Radio.
Going Home with Vick, Katie and Jamie launches on BBC Radio 1 this afternoon at 3.30pm.