Radio entertainment and showbiz

Amanda Holden admits to asking husband Chris for “cucumber” charger!

This morning during Heart Breakfast, Amanda Holden admitted to once having a mind blank moment that had Jamie and showbiz reporter Ashley Roberts in hysterics!

From time to time, most of us have a mind blank moment – when you just can’t think of the word you want to say and replace it with another.

Jamie was talking about the topic during the show, saying we often refer to them as senior moments and asked: “Have you ever forgotten the name of something, and then called it something else, and then that has stuck?”

Amanda answered, admitting: “I think I’ve said this before, I had a mind blank, I said to my husband the other day, ‘where’s the charger for my cucumber?’ and he said ‘what?’, obviously I meant my cu’, my computer!”

Responding amid laughter in the studio, Jamie said: “Oh thanks goodness for that, I think we were all a little concerned at that moment!”

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