Radio entertainment and showbiz

Santa Radio enjoys more listener interaction

Online and app-based Christmas radio station Santa Radio is enjoying extra listener interaction this year after the introduction of a Message Santa feature.

The app for the station, which has been downloaded 80,000 times so far, allows listeners to send a text or audio message to the team, and allows for Santa Selfies to be posted on social media.

A built in recorder allows the user to record something funny and, with one click, it arrives at Santa Radio HQ in a dropbox, where the audio is mixed with Santa’s voice to create a show called ‘Santa’s Little Helpers’.

The show features all the usual Christmas music but with lots of audience interaction and messages in between every few songs. The station now has voices and accents from all over the world, featuring the exact target market it’s broadcasting to – kids excited about Christmas.

Santa Radio creator, Guy Harris, said: “We’re getting some really funny stuff coming in. The sort of Vox Pop Christmas stuff other stations would kill for.

“I remember working at stations where they would send someone out on the streets all day to collect ‘listener audio’ and come back with ten usable clips. It’s harder and harder for radio stations to get amazing audio with the audience more reluctant than ever to pick up a phone. The new feature just seems to have struck a chord and the audience are going wild for it. Several women have got in touch already asking for men under their tree! Santa is clearly going to have a busy Christmas!!!’

The station has a sponsor on board too, with, and offers the option for radio stations to syndicate the output.

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