Radio entertainment and showbiz

BBC Radio 2 “back to normal” as Zoe Ball returns to Breakfast show

After more than six weeks off air, Zoe Ball returned to Radio 2 this morning to take up the reigns of her Breakfast show once more.

There has been a lot of speculation as to why Zoe took such a long time off, but she made no mention of it during the show, just saying at the start: “”Morning gorgeous people it’s me Zoe the happy wanderer. I’ve wandered back.”

She did joke that she hadn’t gone to Turkey for a new face and teeth!

Zoe thanked Scott Mills for covering her show while she was away, and DJ Spoony for looking after Scott’s show adding: “He was supposed to be going on holiday DJing around the world he had to change all his plans so thank you boys and thank you everyone for being so supportive.”

There were also best wishes to her friends Lauren Laverne and Jamie Theakston who have both recently announced cancer diagnoses. She told listeners they are both having treatment and are doing well.

She asked listeners to text in to tell her what she had missed and joked that some of the gossip would have to be reserved for off air conversations with her fellow DJs!

After Zoe’s “mystery” extended absence, some people weren’t convinced she’d be on air this morning even though she’d posted on X last night, “back on breakfast @bbcradio2 tomorrow morning at 6:30.”


Obviously, she was back, and will be again tomorrow – with her special guest Gyles Brandreth at around 8.35am.

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