Radio entertainment and showbiz

“So this is where you’re hiding,” Noel Gallagher says to Ken Bruce

Ahead of his first new music in three years, Noel Gallagher popped in for a chat with Ken Bruce earlier on Greatest Hits Radio.

The High Flying Birds frontman joked to show host Ken, ‘So this is where you’re hiding is it?’; before talking about his latest album and single. He also discussed how lockdown affected his writing and why he’s ready for a mobility scooter!

Noel explained that since 2019 he’d planned to release a new record this year and despite the pandemic, he managed to finish off every song that was half written and wrote some new ones.

He says he would have preferred to have written it in a different atmosphere than sat in silence, although it was in a lovely writing room!

In a few weeks Noel is going on tour and is looking forward to it: “It’s America first, the last few world tours I’ve undertaken I’ve tried to start in America because the crowd I’ve got over there are quite a more considered and older crowd which gives the band a chance to play in before you get the chaos of back in England,” he said.

The subject of age came up in the conversation with Ken and Noel revealed that his forties were when he was at his peak.

He turned 50 in 2017 and said: “From the minute I woke up on 30th May in my first day of my fifties I was like, it’s just been one thing after another!

“What I’ve found is that the slightest knock stays with you for ages and then once that’s cleared up its something else and then once that’s cleared up its something else.  I can’t wait to get my mobility scooter if I’m being honest,” he joked.

It’s not all bad news however, as Noel reflected: “There’s a lot of experience now. I find when you get to a certain age you just don’t care anymore.

“I’m not bothered what people think and I feel a lot more experienced now at life itself. But I’m not too good at dodging traffic anymore – I have to wait until the green man comes on. It’s a good job I don’t take the bus anywhere because I wouldn’t be catching any of them!”

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