Radio entertainment and showbiz

What did Fleur East admit to on Hits Radio Breakfast?

Fleur East shocked Hits Radio Breakfast Show listeners earlier with a confession about a childhood habit.

It followed a story about a woman in the US who was addicted to eating mattresses that Fleur made the mistake of telling co-hosts James and Matt about her own strange stone-based longings!

“When I was younger, about four or five, anytime I walked past a building site and they were mixing the cement, I would just love the smell of the dust – that musky, dusty smell – I used to love it,” Fleur revealed.

But that wasn’t the shocker!

She continued: “So, every so often I‘d walk, past pick up one of the pebbles and I would lick it because there was something about the taste and the smell that I really enjoyed! I don’t know what was wrong with me, but I just loved it. It brought me so much joy!”

James and Matt wanted to know more (as you would), so Fleur went on to reminisce about her first pebble licking memory.

She remembered walking into nursery, picking up a stone and put it into her pocket so no one could see.

“I knew there was something wrong about this from a young age,” she recalled. “I took out the pebble as I was sitting on the carpet for story time and every so often I’d take a lick of the pebble and put it back in my skirt pocket. It was just a little treat for me.”

Listeners rushed to share their thoughts, with Vicky admitting that she now saw Fleur in a ‘completely different light’ – she’s not the only one!

Lauren told her ‘you’re not alone, I used to do exactly the same thing!’ And although Fleur made clear this wasn’t a habit that she indulged in nowadays, Rachel messaged the show to say that she would ‘recommend a seaside pebble if you like them a bit saltier!’

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