“It’s a cringe moment,” Slash admits, when he hears Sweet Child O’ Mine

Slash from Guns N’ Roses was on Absolute Radio Classic Rock last night and admitted to presenter Leona Graham that it’s always “a cringe moment” when he hears Guns N’ Roses enduring 1987 anthem ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’ in public.
“It’s always exciting if you hear (your music) on the radio,” Slash said. “You know, that’s something that never grows old.. If you’re in a bar or some other sort of public place, and all of a sudden your material comes on, it sort of stops you dead in your tracks because for a second you’re like, ‘Oh God, that sounds familiar!’ And then you realise it’s you.”
“So, in those instances, it depends on what the song is and what band it is and all that kind of stuff. Because if I walk into a place and ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’ comes on, it’s a cringe moment. Like, very awkward.”
Asked by Leona if that’s because it’s been played so much, Slash replied: “It’s one of those kinds of things that you feel like a spotlight was just put on you. Even if nobody in the room knows you’re in there, you just feel sort of very vulnerable for a second!”