Greatest Hits Radio names new station after DJ Ken Bruce

If you listen to Ken Bruce on Greatest Hits Radio, you’ll hear him play an occasional 60s song, but now he has a whole station dedicated to that decade.
Ken Bruce’s Secret 60s is a new digital station available to Greatest Hits Radio Premium subscribers from tomorrow.
From the Beatles to the Stones, the Swinging Sixties gave us some of our most iconic songs and legendary singers, but Greatest Hits Radio has a playlist of the best songs from the 70s, 80s and 90s, so now the 60s can be heard non-stop on the new station.
Ken Bruce said: “Don’t tell the bosses but I’ve been sneaking the odd 60s record into my show for a while now, so the fact that I’ve got a whole station to now play with is very exciting.
“You can expect the greatest hits, obviously, but also some buried treasure you haven’t heard in a while. I’m sure many people will agree it’s the soundtrack of our youth! I can’t wait for you to hear it, just don’t tell anyone – it’s a secret remember!”
Also, this Friday August 4 on his regular Greatest Hits Radio show, Ken has been ‘given permission’ to shake up the usual playlist by adding some sixties songs as he kicks off a 60s Summer Weekend on Greatest Hits Radio.
Ken’s special guest will be Greatest Hits Radio listener Chris Benson, who gave the station its name. Chris will be taking part in Ken’s regular Golden Years feature sharing three songs from a particular year that mean a lot to him. For Chris that very special year is 1966 and includes Simon & Garfunkel’ and Jimmy Ruffin.
Chris, who is from Bradford says: “I love the great mix of music from the 70s, 80s and 90s on Greatest Hits Radio but to have this secret corner with classic sixties music is brilliant. It feels as if we’re not meant to like Sixties music anymore so in my head this new station is like this little underground club.
“Greatest Hits Radio taking on board my suggestion of Secret 60s as a name shows the brilliant interaction that the station has with its listeners – and being invited on the station to talk to Ken was a lovely surprise!”