Magic Radio hires I’m a Celebrity winner Giovanna Fletcher

Giovanna Fletcher will be taking over Emma B’s ‘Packed Lunch’ slot on Magic Radio from 15 February to give tips and tricks to surviving parenting in lockdown.
The series, ‘We’ve Got This’, will see the author, podcast host, ‘I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!’ 2020 winner and mum of three, host weekday lunchtimes sharing support and advice to parents struggling through this difficult winter.
Statistics have shown that parents of children of all ages are experiencing loneliness as a result of the pandemic. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s Royal Foundation found that 63% of parents of children under the age of five reported feelings of loneliness, compared with 38% before the pandemic.
Speaking about her new show, Giovanna said: “I’m excited about coming to Magic Radio in what has been a really difficult year for parents and especially those of young children.
“As a parent of three myself I’m securely aware of the issues faced by mums, dads and guardians, from suddenly becoming a teacher whilst juggling the pressures of work, keeping little ones occupied and the very real feelings of loneliness, boredom or isolation that parents are facing when all the usual support networks have all but disappeared.
“I’m really looking forward to sharing some stories and bringing parents together to show that, We’ve Got This!”
Group Content Director for Magic Radio, Tony Moorey said “Our listeners have often highlighted their struggles as parents and guardians during this extremely difficult period, with Magic Radio and our presenters and music being that positive tonic to get them through the day and lift their spirits.
“Adding Giovanna’s experience, tips and tricks as well as infectious personality will hopefully help people as we find our way through this pandemic.”
‘We’ve Got This’ on Magic Radio guest hosted by Giovanna Fletcher will air from Monday 15 to Friday 19 February from 1-2pm.